
The words remodel and renovate can strike fear into the toughest among us. However, a remodel or addition is a solid way to increase the value of your property. At MF Contracting, we love working with clients to make their homes and businesses better and more in sync with their lifestyles, needs and ways of doing business. It’s what we do.

A remodel can take any number of forms, and we can help you find the solution that will work best for you.

Do you just need to renovate and update the space that you already have?

Sometimes, a space has good bones, but the components are worn out or out of date. However, getting rid of the old to make room for the new can be more complicated than you thought it might be. You never know what you might find underneath flooring or behind a fixture or space.

We know what to look for and how to fix or overhaul it so that your remodel is smooth and picture perfect.

Do you need more space to support a growing family, an intensive hobby or interest, or an expanding business?

Sometimes, you simply need more room, another room, or a whole other extension or building. MF Contracting has the experience and know-how needed for new builds both residential and commercial.

We’re ready to make your vision real—from placing the first footer marker to handing you the door key for the lock.
Some of our most popular requests involve kitchen remodeling and bathroom remodeling

Kitchen Remodeling

For many of us, kitchens are the heart of our homes. They’re where everyone gathers, and they’re often our takeoff and landing points. Depending on the amenities, conveniences and layout, a kitchen can be your favorite spot or a constant source of frustration. If it’s the latter, it may be time for some change.

Kitchen remodels typically fall into three categories.

  • Cosmetic kitchen updates let you freshen and update your kitchen. They’re often the changes you know you should make if you were to sell your home, but why not enjoy them now? Cosmetic updates typically keep the cabinets and appliances in place but may replace countertops and backsplashes, for example, install a new sink and faucet, paint walls or lay a new floor
  • Replacement kitchen updates go a step further, removing and replacing old cabinetry, appliances, and other kitchen components and furnishings with new while retaining the same placements, accesses and kitchen layout.
  • Custom kitchen renovations are the most extensive remodels. They allow you to completely redesign your kitchen, add to it or even build a new one. These types of renovations often involve opening or moving walls, rerouting or upgrading services and utilities, or even breaking new ground and extending roofing.

While cosmetic updates are usually the easiest remodels and total custom kitchen renovations tend to be the most expensive, costs can vary widely. It all depends on the types of changes you want to make and the components that you choose.

The first step is to give us a call. Share with us what you want to accomplish, and let us show you how you can get there. You can have the kitchen you’ve always wanted.

Bathroom Remodeling

Bathrooms are typically one of the smallest rooms in a home, but a tremendous amount of aesthetics and functionality are packed into that space. Because bathrooms are such important rooms, renovating one is one of the best home updates promising the greatest return on investment. Everyone wants a nice bathroom, and everyone wishes they had another one.

Bathroom remodels typically fall into one of three types—cosmetic updates, an update that involves reconfiguring fixtures or the addition of a whole new bathroom.

  • Cosmetic bathroom updates focus on replacing old with new while keeping a bathroom’s current layout and fixture configurations. You may want to replace every tile, but as long as it’s a toilet for a toilet or a sink and counter for a sink and counter, the update typically remains cosmetic as long as the layout stays the same.
  • Reconfiguring bathroom updates are more complex because they can involve moving fixtures as well as plumbing supply and waste lines. You may want to keep a shower and add a soaker tub, for example, add another sink or alter the entire layout. In some cases, changing the placement of the entry door can restore several square feet of usable space.
  • Bathroom additions can relieve the stress of limited living spaces. Adding a powder room—a small bathroom with just a sink and toilet—can provide amenities for guests and take the pressure off of a solitary bathroom. Adding a bathroom downstairs can also be an investment that allows people to remain in their homes longer despite aging or illnesses.

If you’ve been eyeing a wall of failing tile or wishing for some gleaming counters and a toilet that will flush without fail every single time, it might be time to give us a call. A clean, beautiful bathroom is a great way to start your day—and a good way to end it too.